Noah's Ark Site
Universal Flood
Flood Timeline
Flood Book
Ark Book
The Bible states that the Ark of Noah "rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat." (Genesis 8:4) Mountains, plural, not singular.
There is a chain of mountains existing today in Eastern Turkey, which includes Mt. Ararat. The Armenians call it the "Place of Descent" - which would refer to exiting the Ark after the Flood. There have been many hoaxes perpetrated showing false evidence of the Ark on Mt. Ararat. Perhaps these wanted to draw attention to themselves? But was there an Ark, and if so, does it still exist? If it does, where is it? We would like to use common sense to approach this subject. But what would you expect to find...wood and cages?
According to Biblical chronologically the flood happened about 4,300 years ago. If you consider modern pressure treated lumber, how long would you expect it to last exposed to the elements...10-50 years? That being the case, when looking for the remains of a huge wooden ship that existed over 4,000 years ago, what would you expect to find? With that in mind let us look at the evidence: Is there any indication in the Mt. Ararat area of Eastern Turkey that there exists or ever did exist a ship called Noah's Ark?
 This photo of Noah's Ark site is courtesy of TripAdvisor
If you look at Google Maps and put in Noah's Ark National Park, you will get a result from the site search. In Eastern Turkey approximately 20 miles from Mt. Ararat is a boat-shaped formation. We believe this is the remains of the Noah's Ark of the Bible for the following reasons:
1. It is in the location where the Bible says it landed: The Mountains of Ararat (or Armenia).
2. It is the EXACT SIZE of the Biblical dimensions, based on the 20.6 inch "Egyptian Cubit" that Moses was schooled in and familiar with. (Acts 7:22, 2 Chronicles 3:3) Most scholars believe Moses was the writer of the book of Genesis. The width was based on "average width" as in today's modern shipbuilding.
3. It is shaped like a ship.
4. It is reasonable to believe that what you see is what you would expect to see of a massive wooden structure exposed to the elements for over 4,000 years...not wood and cages, but a highly decayed form of what originally was the Noah's Ark of the Bible.
5. Noah was commanded to "be fruitful, and replenish the earth." (Genesis 9:1) Historians believe world civilization began in ancient Armenia, the same general location as the Mountains of Ararat.
6. The local people in the area believe it is Noah's Ark.
7. A Village in this area is called the "Village of Eight" referring to the 8 people who were on the Ark.
8. In the same location are what appear to be huge anchor stones.
9. The Ark has never been found on Mt. Ararat. Every possible location of supposed sightings have been thoroughly examined and nothing has ever been found to substantiate any of the sighting claims.
10. The Ark appears to have slidden down in mudslides from a higher location to it's final resting place where it's side was pierced and pushed in by a large limestone wedge-shaped rock.
 This photo of Noah's Ark site is courtesy of TripAdvisor
Noah's Ark Site
Ark Location
Noah's Ark
Anchor Stones #1
Anchor Stones #2